The Ontario Provincial District Council of LIUNA is a council of twelve affiliated Local Unions which represent and supply laborer’s  and other specialized skilled construction workers to the utility sector of the construction industry in Ontario. Through the Local Unions, basic training and skills upgrading are provided at various training campuses throughout Ontario.

Local 793 of the International Union of Operating Engineers
represents crane and heavy equipment operators in Ontario’s construction industry. Their head office and one training campus is located in Oakville. Another training campus is in Morrisburg and there are several district offices around the province of Ontario.

  • The Utility Contractors Association of Ontario, Incorporated (UCA) maintains bargaining relationships with the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) Ontario Provincial District Council; and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local Union 793.
  • Collective bargaining with these two unions is carried out by the UCAO’s  Labour Committee composed of representatives from Contractor Members. Negotiations are undertaken every three years. The current collective agreements were entered into in May, 2022 and will expire in April of 2025.
  • Throughout the term of the agreement, the Association assists in the interpretation of the agreements, the resolution of disputes, and the administration of labour relations between the parties.